Sunday, June 29, 2008

Reasons Chesterton could be a saint!

Ever wondered if our fantastic philosopher, witty writer, and very orthodox author might be a saint? I have. In a recent discussion with my mother, she and I compiled some reasons Chesterton might be a saint.

1) He is always theologically correct. Always.

2) His way of facing the world is humble, fresh, grateful to God, and utterly beautiful; it is undoubtedly reminiscent of the spiritual childhood which Jesus said is necessary "to enter the kingdom of heaven."

3) He is unique. Those familiar with the lives of saints will admit that they all have at least two things in common: they gave their lives to Christ, serving Him to the point of heroic virtue, and each had an unique life and personality. For example, compare the Little Flower of God, St. Therese of Lisieux, who spent all of her life in a Carmelite convent in France giving her love to Jesus, to the passionate preacher and missionary, St. Francis Xavier, who traversed the world to win souls for Christ. Both loved Jesus to their full capacity; both followed the path God chose for them; both were very unique. The reasons saints have such varying and distinct personalities and yet are each filled with the love of Christ is that when they gave everything they had and were to God, He gave it back---only better, more intense, more beautiful. Who on earth could doubt that Chesterton, too, in personality, wit, and wisdom, was also very unique?

4) He is joyful. All the saints had deep joy within them, even in suffering, because of the peace Christ had given them.

5) "By their fruits you shall know them..." Consider how many people have converted to Christianity, because of Chesterton's writings!

6) He was---and still is---a counter-cultural apostle for Christ in our world. After all, he is the "Apostle of Common Sense."

7) He had a love for the Truth.

More and more reasons come to me, even as I write! Why not add a few of your own? :) I understand an eminent Chestertonian, William Oddie, believes that there should be a cause for canonization started for Chesterton. According to Fr. Dwight Longenecker, Mr. Oddie gives as one reason: "We need more fat saints!"

God Bless,

1 comment:

Clare said...

Didn't Shaw once compare Chesterton to a very, very well-known and rather corpulent saint... the Divine Doctor?

I'm praying very hard for the cause.