Friday, May 04, 2007


A thing may be too sad to be believed or too wicked to be believed or too good to be believed, but it cannot be too absurd to be believed in this planet of frogs and elephants, of crocodiles and cuttlefish. ~G.K. Chesterton


Ria said...

Wow, thanks for posting this picture Lucia, I never had any idea what a cuttlefish was until today. (:

Racoon said...

Cuttlefish! Yes, it can´t be more absurd and it's also delicious.
Anyway, I love the quote !

Lucia said...

You've eaten cuttlefish? Cool! I think I'd be afraid to try.

Racoon said...

Sure I've eaten cuttlefish! Here we eat them with 'alioli', which consists on garlic and mayonnaise. It's like eating squid, basically. You should taste them, really !

Lucia said...

Okay, maybe I'd have some cuttlefish. Where I live the seafood mostly consists of shrimp, lobster, crab, shark and such like. Cuttlefish is new to me.

Agnes Regina said...

Wow, mapaz... I ate octopus when I was in Spain last summer, but I don't know if I'd have the courage to eat cuttlefish... (granted, I only had the courage to eat octopus because I didn't know what it was! :) )